Tag Archives: weekend

Lazy Saturday’s …

When the week finally ends and you get to rest we don’t really do we? We fill the day with friends, shopping, exercise, travelling.  Fun stuff.  

This weekend for me started with a lively dinner with some fabulous fun friends over a stunning Thai meal then i realised i had nothing left planned. Most unusual.  

I woke early and had the luxury of falling back to sleep with no agenda.  I woke again to a coffee and warm croissant placed by my bed with and a kiss goodbye from my husband who has a very busy workday ahead.  I lazed in bed reading with my breakfast for a good hour when i was struck with just how lazy i was being and literally leapt out of bed! I am not good with nothing to do … well i am too good and that scares me; i may like it too much and grind to a complete halt! Washing on, laundry folded, beds made, kitchen cleaned and off on a dog walk in the sun followed by a shop for some food for the week and a quick stop by at a friend’s place.  Home to make bread, pastry for a quiche and an Italian style ragu to go with dinner.  

Justified that by 4pm i have done enough I am now sat back on my arse.  

Ahhhh lazy saturday’s … well sort of.